Kids Ministries of all sizes across America have taken missions to the next level by doing the Carlitos Mission Project! Your missions offerings not only support my global ministry with Carlitos, but enables YOUR KIDS to minister to hurting kids locally with Carlitos and his gospel materials! It’s a “Double Blessing!” Uncle Charlie makes it super-easy to implement and provides everything you need.
CMP is guaranteed to get your kids excited about missions!
Watch below as I explain how you can involve your kids in a tangible ministry while supporting mine at the same time! In this 4 minute video I explain what CMP is, how it works and how it benefits your local missions and my global missions! Also see the FAQ’s below the video and use the contact form if interested in knowing more.
–Uncle Charlie
For more information email us at or use the form below!
The Carlitos Mission Project is about involving your kids in a tangible giveaway ministry while supporting Uncle Charlie’s giveaway ministry at the same time. Your offering enables both ministries to give away Carlitos to kids fighting life’s toughest battles. Carlitos has a “Be Brave” scripture verse and points these kids to UC’s faith-based kids app called VBG (Valued by God).
UC gives Carlitos away to kids with special needs, kids in hospitals, kids with life-threatening illness, kids in foster homes, children’s homes & orphanages, grieving kids, and other kids fighting various uphill battles. He does this both locally and abroad as he learns of needs.
Yes! UC provides the following:
1. Three -minute video from UC explaining the ministry to your staff, teachers, volunteers & parents.
2. Two – minute video of Carlitos explaining the mission to your kids.
3. Your choice of up to eight 2-minute videos to play for your kids and/or leadership – All stories of particular kids Carlitos has already ministered to.
3. Custom flyer for your kids to take home to their parents. Color master PDF’s provided for printing. You simply print the PDF’s and hand out. Jpegs also provided for web and social media.
4. Carlitos sample monkeys with Be Brave packets to display and show to your kids.
5. Carlitos Thank You Cards for each kid in your group, containing a download QR code for their parents to download the free VBG app.
6. Pictures of kids fighting various battles who are holding Carlitos. (Permission granted to use)
There is absolutely no minimum required. We are thankful for all support that is raised to reach kids for Christ! Carlitos costs UC $12 to make and have shipped from China. So for every $25 raised, that gives UC the chance to make and give away one monkey, while also giving your group one monkey to give away as part of their own ministry!
Simply email Uncle Charlie at:
He will guide you step-by-step and be happy to answer any of your questions!
From there we can communicate via email, phone call, or Zoom call. (Zoom call is recommended so UC can show and/or your leaders each item.)
Once the offering is completed and counted, simply make out the check to Uncle Charlie’s nonprofit ministry called Upward Bound Ministries. You can send it to:
Upward Bound Ministries
PO Box 627
Lutz, FL 33548
When you are ready to send a check to UBM, contact Uncle Charlie and he will ship the corresponding amount of monkeys to your church at the same time you are mailing the offering check.
Shipping costs will be deducted from Uncle Charlie’s half, so that churches can maximize on the number of Carlitos monkeys they receive and not have to pay shipping costs to receive them.
For every $25 raised, one monkey will be shipped to you to for your own children’s ministry to give away. For example, if $1000 were raised, that would be 40 Monkeys for your ministry to use. The balance will go to help Uncle Charlie order and give away Carlitos on his end.
Yes! The Carlitos mission project can be for any occasion! Some churches have weekly mission programs such as Awana, RA’s, GA’s, etc. Any missions emphasis is a good occasion to implement the Carlitos giveaway ministry.
That’s totally at your own discretion! There are so many kids fighting uphill battles! UC mentioned a few groups of kids he is intentional with in his own ministry. You can minister to whoever God leads you to! You may have kids in your own church that are hurting. You may have a special-needs ministry. Maybe you want to adopt a local children’s home or reach some underprivileged kids. Maybe your kids tell you about friends outside the church who are struggling in one form or another. You may want to take some Carlitos monkeys with you on a mission trip. It’s your ministry and the sky is the limit!