If you know of a child currently fighting a tough physical or emotional battle of any kind, register them here so we can help with a free Carlitos.
Please note: We are currently only able to ship Carlitos within the US
If you know of or hear of a child anywhere in the U.S who is currently fighting a tough
battle in life, follow these simple steps:
* We can ship directly to the child on your behalf, or we can ship to you and let you minister to the child.
Below is a wide variety of children that Carlitos has ministered to. While Carlitos is not limited to these conditions, it gives you a good idea of what we mean by “fighting life’s toughest battles”. If you still have questions, feel free to ask us using the comment section of the form.
Carlitos is a free ministry to hurting children thanks to people who give to this 501C3 Non Profit Ministry through their monthly support or through one-time gifts.
*While there is absolutely no financial obligation, those who wish to contribute via monthly support, single donation of any amount, or pay it forward so another hurting child can receive Carlitos can do so here:
It’s simply too expensive to ship internationally. In addition, some countries have different policies in place that would affect our cost even further (taxes, duties, etc.). Furthermore, boxes going to some destinations can take weeks, even months to get there, and there is no guarantee the recipient will ever get their Carlitos.
*The most common way to get Carlitos into other countries is through missionaries, mission teams, volunteers and individuals to bring Carlitos in their luggage. (We have ongoing ministries in Ukraine and in Brazil. Carlitos is manufactured and materials are printed in those countries and the ministry is managed by local missionaries.)
As soon as we see the inquiry in our email inbox, we reply to assess the situation and work out the details with you. Carlitos is then shipped as soon as possible – sometimes on the same day. We aim to always ship within a day or two at most.
Carlitos makes a great Birthday or Christmas gift, gift for special occasions, or for any reason. While he’s great for children, teenage girls love him, senior adults love him; and believe it or not, we get lots of requests for adults to have him! (Adults are just big kids at heart anyway, right?) The retail cost for Carlitos is $25 which also includes the packet. (shipping is estimated at checkout). All proceeds go back into the ministry to provide more Carlitos for hurting children here and around the world.
You can purchase Carlitos on our purchase page here:
This part of his design was on purpose. Carlitos, through his stories and videos, learns and understands that God created Him just the way He wanted him to look. We don’t have to be perfect in order for God to love us. And He can use us in spite of our disabilities, our shortcomings, our imperfections etc. That’s because we are ALL valued by God, and have dignity and purpose.